Thursday, December 26, 2013

Mudakathan keerai dosai (Cardiosperum halicacabum/ballon vine leaves)

Mudakathan keerai dosai (Cardiosperum halicacabum/ballon vine leaves) - Preparation time 15 mins

This keerai is full of health benefits. Good for bone and joints. Removes body pain.

Whenever mom get fresh mudakathan keerai she used to make this dosa for us. The green color itself will be attractive but, when she serves along with dark red vengaya kara chutney hmmmmm it will be very delicious to us. I don't know whether you people like this taste because when i love this dosai my husband doesn't like it much. Sometimes i used to force him to take atleast one.

Mom used to do this dosai different that is soak rice , urad dhal grind it and finally add the fresh mudakathan leaves and grind along with the flour as she will make it large quantity and everyone will eat. But now only for me i used to make this dosa so i used this shortcut method. Easy preparation of mudakathan dosai

Mudakathan keerai - 2 handful (clean and keep the leaf alone)
Dosai batter or idli batter - 2 cup

Preparation method:-
In a mixer grind the mudakathan keerai to fine paste along with required amount of salt (take care because the dosai or idli batter will also contain salt in it).
In a bowl mix the mudakathan keerai paste and dosai batter well (i like it very green so will add more keerai paste. If you want you can add little paste while starting and adjust according to your taste).
Adjust to pouring consistency using water.

Heat iron tawa and pour the mudakathan keerai dosa mavu in the tawa and make thin dosa. You have be careful while doing this process else it won't come in good shape.

It will be crisp and tasty. Serve this hot with kara chutney.

Regular method of preparing mudakathan dosai

Boiled rice - 1 cup 
Urad dal - 1/4 cup
Mudakathan leaf - 1 cup
Salt - to taste
Soak rice and dal for 4 hrs. 
Grinding method:-
Grind along with mudakathan leaf mix required amount of salt and leave to ferment for 5 hrs to 6hrs.

Note :- First try in small quantity i.e take a small measuring cup and use.

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