Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pomegranate & Moosambi crush

Pomegranate & Moosambi crush - Preparation time 10 mins
Health Tips :- Pomegranate is good for heart. Pomegranate and moosambi are rich source of vitamin C.It is best to consume as pods but sometime it will be difficult to take as pods so you can make the below juice and serve.

Pomegranate - 2 cup
Moosambi peeled - 1 cup
Sugar - to your taste (2 0r 3 tbsp)
Salt - pinch

Preparation method :-
In a mixer/blender add pomegranate, moosambi, sugar, salt and blend to smooth paste.
Filter the juice using a strainer.
Serve chilled. You love the tangy taste. (If you like, you can crush 2 or 3 mint leaves and add the juice).

You can also decorate with few moosambi (sathukudi) flesh over the juices. This will be slightly crunchy while taking the juice. 

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